Acknowledging Truth Ministry
{2 Timothy 2:24-26}
Ministry Focused on: Relationship
Community, Truth, Godly Love & Accountability. 
Always Embodying the Character of God. 


What we do

Solidarity and support, Mentorship, Counsel, Guidance, Insight and Focused Godly Perspective. 

          Everyday support

Prayer, Stewardship, Discipleship, Godly character & Development, infused into life skills &  application. 
We are willing & eager to serve in order to answer your questions in: truth, by & thru scripture, rooted in the Spirit of God, & Love.  - 1 Peter 3:15

Integration instead of exclusion

We are all about the fullness of community, & the dignity & wonder of creation. 

We believe this is represented in the mixed multitude. - Exodus 12: 36-38 
As well as in the clear diversity, of Creation as God intended. 
Where as Creation as a whole is: beautiful, expansive, & imbued with variance, character, hue's, spectrums, distinction, connection, & purpose.  

Our promise

This ministry will ensure it maintains sure footing in "progressive revelation", and in Service & Stewardship to you personally, & to your families, and to our communities, and Nation(s) as needed. 

We will strive to embody the sound ability to Spiritually: evolve, grow, and mature in love & balanced discipline.  This will not only be in Word, but also in application/deed, & by way of Godly character. 

We are focused to establish & root all aspects of ministry in scripture, & in the character of God.

It is our goal to stand firm on the Word of God, in active & viable discernment to: reflect, mature, grow, cultivate, foster, & nurture healthy & Holy relationship(s) with all people & person(s), as well as within ourselves & with God. 
Because we sincerely believe every person is important, and that every person is an inherent part of what makes up creation.

We all carry the promise that all persons have the propensity and potential to walk & live in: conscience, morality, and love, as God intends. This applies within the Church, as well as Outside the church, & permeates in all areas of our lives.  

Please,  feel free to contact us and align with the Lord's Ministry for yourself. 

We are honored and happy to serve you, your family, and your community.

We look forward to: edifying you, enriching you, encouraging you, and refreshing you thru this website and teachings. As we are always eager and happy to serve. 

Community and charity

Service, Empathy, & Sincere Relationship Buidling

Calendar for services & Feasts 

This Calendar entails schedules for: 

  • Ministry Lessons
  •  Counseling Sessions
  • Monthly Feasts and observances Via: Minor & Major Feasts. 

{Please Note Counseling Sessions will be days Marked as committed, to ensure only confirmation of availability and that no confidentiality is disclosed.} 

Services & Lessons

Ministry Lessons recorded. 

Accompanying notes for review, study, and personal, spiritual, familial growth. 

Political Positions 

Please note as we are NOT a 501C3, this ministry is NOT held or bound by legal parameters.

Specifically on how we choose to relate and teach specific Biblically and Constitutionally aligned positions. 

This decision is predicated on the following: 

1- To ensure separation of Church and State as  intended. 

2- To address our/ministries Civic responsibility to the constitution and JUST LAWS, accompanying JUST REPRESENTATION for ALL peoples whether they are believers or not. 

3- This also accompanies the  assurance & our inalienable rights. That every person has infused in their active character. Which is firmly based on the actuality & surety of liberty to & for ALL, and the pursuance of  happiness, for ALL demographics accompanying the continual evolution & pursuit for a more perfect UNION. 

And how we believe that we get there with: respect, dignity, understanding, compassion, truth, and sincere regard towards one another always abounding. 

Cultural Missives 

This aspect of our ministry is designed to remain grounded in real world events, locally, nationally, as well as internationally. It's also meant to provide perspective and insight into their impacts and or our awareness and ability to participate, assist, and serve. 

All in order to address and or speak on issues affecting Freedom here and abroad. 

 As well to apply and achieve mutual respect in this nation & between others. 

The respect for humanity, and human dignity, the application and continued investment in civil rights, as well as justice for ALL. 

It will include methods and pursuits of how to obtain said community standards, hopefully everywhere, in conscience, love, accountability, integrity, responsibility, & dignity for ALL of God's Creation. 
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