"God is every man's pedigree. He is either the Father of all men or of no man. The image of God is either in every man or in no man." - Rabbi Abraham J. Heschel
"Equality is an obstacle to callousness, setting a limit to power. Indeed, the history of mankind may be described as the history of the tension between power and equality. "
"Equality is an interpersonal relationship, involving both a claim and recognition. My claim to equality has it's logical basis in the recognition of my fellow men's identical claim. Do I not forfeit my own rights by denying my fellow men the rights I claim for myself."
"Man, every man, must be treated with the honor due to a likeness representing the King of Kings."
"The redeeming quality of man lies in his ability to sense his kinship with all men."
Rabbi - Abraham J. Heschel ~ { Religion & Race - writings }
A Testament of Hope
Suggested reading
This book provides all of: Dr. Martin Luther King Jr's writings, and interviews. Answers to skeptics questions, and insights in the Non-Violent movement roots, ideology, and implementation.
Rabbi- Abraham J. Heschel, and his daughter Susanah Heschel, have provided us a very comprehensive window into Biblical perspective and Civil Rights and Social Justice imperatives rooted in the scriptures, and that should be ever abiding in all of us as men.
Dr. William J. Barber II - has provided a very insightful book regarding our Nations history on and chronology of Slavery prior, during, and following, the civil war, the Injustices, the Inequities. Accompanying a breakdown of past, and current policies in place.